Tuesday, April 10, 2007

IndyCar drinking games....

As if IndyCar racing isn’t exciting enough a few college buddies and I took it to the next level. That’s right we added binge drinking midnight races.

Mynameisirl has an impressive game "My name is Hurl" and his blog inspired the posting of the one that you are currently reading…

I guess I can start with the origin of the game(s). Well on a normal Saturday night in college you can find a strong percentage of coeds having a “few” drinks. What you don’t typically find is an IndyCar race starting at 12:00am. Not unless you are watching the Indy Japan or Surfer’s Paradise races which are located on the opposite side of the world.

Welcome to: IndyCar Bingo and then “Drink when you hear this…”

IndyCar Bingo

1. Designate a bingo board
2. Select phrases for each square. ("side by side racing", yellow flags, green, green green, Jack Arute using props, Rusty saying "Hot Rods" or "These Cats" etc...
3. Place a drink atop each square (Preferably a shot of something)
4. When you hit a square drink your shot.
5. Yell out bingo when you have connected your row and watch everyone else finish their board off in defeat.

Simple game, shots of beer work really well for multiple games.

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